Friday, January 28, 2011

Can Anyone Have Premonitions?

By Mel Decourcey

Do you think you have had a premonition before? How is it that some people know when things are about to happen before it even occurs? Is this just a gut feeling that things are not right or is it paranormal? Scientists have not ever believed in premonitions. They only believe in things that they can prove are facts. They do not believe even though there have been numerous events that have been foretold in a premonition or a feeling prior to it actually occurring.

Do We See the Future?

One extreme example of premonitions is the recordings of Canadian biochemist and professor of psychiatry, Ian Stevenson. He had recorded over 19 premonitions told to him by patients two weeks before the Titanic sailed. The recorded premonitions were of people canceling their trip due to a feeling that something bad was going to happen and from people who dreamt about a disaster.

The people that have had premonitions have said that they are not a pleasant experience. They get overwhelming feelings of fear or uneasiness in regards to what they believe is going to happen. While they have had a premonition they do not know exactly what will happen, only that it will not be good.

Premonitions occur much more often than most people understand. The subject of the premonition is typically surrounding something or someone that will affect you. The premonitions come about in multiple ways. It is sometimes a dream, sometimes a feeling. It is sometimes called a sixth sense.

Premonitions of murders, death, robberies, plane crashes and accidents are predominantly the type that are felt or 'seen'. They often happen within hours of the person having the premonition. The emotional aspects of a dream often leave the person with the most disquieting feelings. They are at a loss as how to explain the impending sense of dread they feel.

Then there are dreams that we have no doubt about the meaning. They are clear and the dreamer sees something happening to a family member or someone close. This can be a very upsetting dream and often people will try to block it from their minds. They may succeed for a while until the dream comes true.

Can premonitions actually be from another world? A premonition is something you see as a dream or a feeling that you get. The apprehension in your life tends to lead to a premonition about things that are yet to come but it is not always clear what it will be. Premonitions are very sense oriented.

What if the premonitions we have are actually something that is happening on another dimension? The premonitions that occur when we are asleep could be the result of being somewhere other than this dimension for the period of time when we are sleeping. This could tie in with the theory of astral projection.

Is it so far fetched to believe this could be happening? There are many who have been ridiculed before for believing in something that at the time seemed impossible. How many people do you think actually believed that man could go to the moon? Had this been discussed in certain times, people would have believed the person who thought this was possible had lost their mind.

How Do You Explain These Premonitions?

Should things be automatically dismissed because they simply do not fit within the way that we think? There have been many different recordings of premonitions in history. Abraham Lincoln actually had a premonition about himself dying. Only ten days prior to dying he had a dream that he was mourning with people in the East Wing in the White House. He turned to a solider to ask who had died and the soldier said it was the president.

Have you heard about the book that was written in 1898, Futility, or the Wreck of the Titan? This book was written 14 years before the disaster of the Titanic. The book was about a ship called the Titan, which sank in the North Atlantic. The ship struck an iceberg - the ship had three propellers - it did not have enough lifeboats - it was the same size as the Titanic - all uncanny characteristics of the Titanic even down to the name.

Morgan Robertson is the author of the book. How is it possible that he wrote about such an experience that would come pretty close to true fourteen years down the road? No matter if you call them visions or premonitions, the events of the book are very similar to the Titanic that actually sunk. Is it possible that the author had a premonition of the event and decided that he would publish it in a book?

It is something that may never be understood. Things unfold from the universe and mysteries are solved in their own time. It is not possible to predict when a premonition, or vision, will be shown to someone.

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