Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Take My Company Public - Private Placement Memorandum - IPO Consultant

By James Scott

The US is a game preserve and the entrepreneur is the endangered species being hunted by political poachers. Don't expect a solution by government bureaucrats that use band aids intended to provide a temporary and sub-modest patch up, only problem is this band aid is suppose to close up a bazooka shot to the chest so don't wait on resolutions that will have a lasting effect.

So what is the solution? When a company is fighting for survival who can they turn to? Two groups that will only hang string you up and hang you to dry are politicians and institutional banks. Both of these sectors of industry are parasites who will eat you from the inside out and then transform into maggots to feast on your rotting flesh.

Strange wording for a financial paper but this is reality. So again, who can you turn to for guidance? That answer is both simple and simultaneously complicated as there are multiple sub sectors of finance each with their own good and bad issues. Seek out a consulting firm that offers turnkey solutions with a contact portfolio that could gag a horse.

To raise money and facilitate quality strategies that will get you from point A to point B a consultant must have contacts with accredited investors, investor relations strategists, market makers, securities attorneys who can bang out 10k and 10q's as well as constructive counsel for mergers and acquisitions to assist in strategic growth. Your consultant also needs to know where to look and uncover powerful strategic partners that can enhance and induce your company's expansion efforts.

Many companies are using a regulation d solution also known as a private placement memorandum which uses the SEC loopholes of Reg D 504, 505 and 506 for pre public fundraising and bypass the 'wild west' factor of the pink sheets and go to a pre NASDAQ trading platform such as the OTCBB. A solid consultant can complete the task but qualifying them should not constitute drilling them on past transactions and other pointless interrogation tactics as this will only push away the good consultants and bring the scumbags in by the truckload as this type of skepticism is something that the fly-by-nights are comfortable with and use to. Instead ask them for a plan on how they anticipate taking your company from the beginning to fund raising stardom.

Their plan should include corporate structuring and strategies, board of directors selection, advisory board selection, acquisitions strategy, SEC auditor, S1 attorney, market maker for your 15c211 and enough investor relations and corporate publicity to force the continental shelf into movement.

Settle for nothing less than strategic and all inclusive consulting solutions when raising capital and going public or you'll find yourself in the precarious dilemma of having your public offering piecemealed with no one to hold accountable at the end of the day and believe me, that is the last place you want to be because those companies end up being shelf corporations that are so riddled with holes you can't even sell them off for a reverse merger.

Get the entire plan from your consultant before signing that contract and moving forward.

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Could You Find A Free Psychic?

By Sarah Lesbon

Many individuals are amazed at the mystery involved with psychic readings. Psychics however, have the peculiar ability to see things that other do not. This is a special gift. However, it may take years of practice to learn how to use such a gift appropriately. The majority of psychics will charge a small fee for services rendered. Receiving a free psychic reading is very rare.

Why do People want Psychic Readings?

There are many different reasons why people want to get readings from a paid or free psychic. Some are looking for an answer to a problem that they have been having for a long time. Others simply want a chance to see into the future.

People find answers for small and large problems during psychic readings. Some have found the answer of what to do about an estranged lover. Law enforcement agencies may even use psychic readings to help find the bodies of victims as well as suspects.

How can You Get a Free Psychic Reading?

As you are reading this there are numerous individuals searching online for free psychic readings. This is not always possible, although one should not give up so easily. Some companies will offer trial readings online or by phone. Telephone and online psychics are available to give readings on such issues as relationships, career choices and dating.

The first step to receiving a free reading is to find the companies that offer free readings. This can be a difficult task, because the companies that offer this service free are very slim. There are some companies on the market today that will let you try a sample psychic reading before you decide to pay for a reading.

After you have found a company that offers free reading then you will need to choose a psychic. While this is much easier than finding a company that offers free psychic readings, it can still be a difficult choice. It is important that you read the profiles and viewpoints of several different psychics to determine which psychic is best for you.

You will most likely have to register with the company before you are able to speak to a psychic. Once you register with the website you can then connect with or speak with the psychic you chose.

History of Psychics

Psychics have been a part of people's lives throughout history. In almost every decade and every culture, there are some instances of psychics. In some cultures, psychics were feared so much that they were killed. In other cultures, psychics were seen as a gateway to God.

In some cultures psychics are still feared. However, more and more people are beginning to accept the fact of real live psychics. Many people fully believe in psychic powers, although many others are not so sure they believe. However, many do believe that each individual has psychic powers and abilities, although many do not remember or know that they have such natural human power. Many do wonder about the ability of how to tap into this natural human ability.

You Can Tap into Your Psychic Powers

One of the best means of tapping into your own psychic powers is by having a free psychic reading. Meditation is the best place to begin. Meditation can aid you in into your own subconscious mind. After you learn how to tap into your subconscious mind you will then begin to work on developing your psychic abilities.

There are various means of meditation and you must choose the best way to meditate for yourself. Use what works best for you. However, this does not mean sitting cross-legged on the floor for hours. This is an uncomfortable position. In fact, many individuals do not use this position for meditation.

One of the keys to meditation is becoming totally relaxed and comfortable. You will want to focus on your breathing and draw your attention inward. You will want to make yourself comfortable enough that you can relax, but not so comfortable that you fall asleep. The goal of meditation is to stay in the state that happens just before you wall asleep.

Meditation does take practice and you may want to meditate for about 30 to 60 minutes daily. You may do this all in one sitting or even break up this time for meditation.

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Helpful Tips On How You Can Effectively Choose The Suitable Keywords

By Greyson Fanning

Keyword research unarguably passes as one of the most essential facets of search engine optimization. If you aim at the wrong keywords with high competition and less traffic, you will only realize poor returns on your capital. In fact, by doing correct keyword research, you can reduce the time and finances required to level for your chosen keyword by a very big margin.

Therefore it is necessary to follow certain rules when doing keyword research:

Consider the amount of competition pages that your chosen keyword has. This is done by just typing in your keyword within quotes into Google, and making out the number of search results in the top right hand corner.

Keywords with competing pages can be like 10,000 to 250,000 are the easiest to grade for but if this number is above 1,000,000, you are at an advantage if you choose another keyword. Then again, the number of pages can be out of proportion, which brings us to the next point.

Quality of competition is another point to consider as the number of competing pages is vital, but the value of the competing pages is especially crucial in leveling well for your keyword.

Influential sites with tons of backlinks, like a Wikipedia entry, a or NYT news article which may occupy the top page may be very hard to move from the top slots.

Then again, if the top results are minor blogs with few backlinks, or shopping results from Amazon or eBay, it will be an effortless undertaking to rank well for that keyword.

You can however, keep away from traffic by operating your keyword through the Google AdWords Keyword Tool. If perhaps the keyword gets to less than 800 exact searches a month, and the competition is high, it may not be worth or substantial ranking for and you are at an advantage if you pick a different keyword.

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Is It Really Possible To Astral Project?

By David J Short

Everyone has the ability to astral project. There are those who astral project daily and those who rarely astral project, at least intentionally " the difference between the two is practice. Astral projection is a practice with a long history, just like meditation or yoga. There are many different names which astral projection is known as and there are many different ways to astral project.

Lucid dreaming is the first level of astral projection. This form of dreaming is when you consciously dream and one type is astral projection. Many say this is a simple form of projection and that while you are dreaming, you begin by telling yourself 'I am dreaming'

As you repeat this phrase, you can wake up in your dream and have the freedom to do anything you like. This may be difficult for beginners and may take time to practice before it works.

Astral projection is something you have done before, although you may not realize that you have done so. Have you ever awoken from a particularly vivid dream remembering every detail? You were not dreaming this " you were astral projecting.

Believing that you can project is the key to achieving it. This faith eliminates doubts and fears about astral projection and helps you to easily achieve projection.

Relaxation techniques such as meditation helps encourage proper astral projection. Meditation is a great way to prepare your body and mind for projecting and all you have to do is practice, practice, and practice more by meditating.

To begin meditation, sit in a quiet, peaceful room in a comfy chair, make sure that there are no distractions. As you become relaxed, clear your mind of all stress and day to day problems, if these thoughts continue to work there way back into your head, just continue to push them out. Breathing deeply is the next step, focus on slow, deep breaths. This practice will help you reach ultimate relaxation and help you to transition into astral projection.

Reaching an alternate state of consciousness is the next step. Continue to work on breathing and now your primary goal is to remove stress and completely clear your mind. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. As breathing becomes slower and deepens, focus on your body and relaxing it.

The next step is to totally relax your body, starting from the ground up. Tense each part of the body then relax it, as you exhale to relax, repeat 'my toes are relaxing, and I am relaxing too.'

You will begin to feel heavy as if energy is escaping each area of your body, slowly slipping away. Once you are completely relaxed, it is time to move on to the next level of astral projection.

The next step, sleep. You have prepared your mind and body for s deep sleep, but remember to stay alert and relaxed. Come up with your own phrase such as 'I fly, I fly' there is no wrong motto, so find one that you are comfortable with.

Boredom tends to set in when the mind is not stimulated, so you may find yourself losing focus. If you find yourself doing this, stop the session or to help bring your mind back into focus, continue to repeat your phrase.

To actually reach an altered state of consciousness, there are several methods. You can repeat your statement to reach this next level. Or you can use the body of light technique. This technique is where you see a body of light in your mind that you envision yourself turning into.

As you start to astral project, there are three signs which you can watch for to know that you are doing so successfully. The first is a sensation of motion, even though your physical body is perfectly still. The second is 'seeing' color and light, even though your eyes will be closed. Last, youll hear voices. These voices will either be urging you to continue or to stop " this is a sure fire sign that you are on your way to astral projecting.

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Writing a Storyboard For a Drama

By Lisa Schwartz

If you're planning to film a drama, you will want to write a storyboard which covers all the bases. Breaking down your script is the initial step to consider when preparing your storyboard. Each and every scene in your drama should be segmented into frame-by-frame action...complete with dialogue, suggested camera angles, and backgrounds. Since a script is actually a literal version of events in your film, you will need to adjust your thinking to convert your script to an initial storyboard. You can also find storyboard example on the internet.

Getting a storyboard up and running just isn't as hard as it used to the past, paper storyboards needed live artists, time and expense, as well as a lot of effort. Today, even the 2d cartoon animation software of past years has become obsolete. You can speed up your storyboarding with cutting-edge applications, for example Storyboard Artist or Storyboard Quick.

These types of new applications will allow you to move through the pre-production stage with greater efficiency; they'll provide a more polished, professional result. By offering directors an extensive range of pre-loaded artwork, they take the live artist out of your equation. Previously, live artists delivered various cost overruns, delays, as well as dilemma. Now, you are able to finish a fantastic storyboard for your yourself. In mere minutes, you are able to export pictures or use custom art work to pre-plan each and every shot...frame by frame.

Without a great storyboard, you will encounter problems when you begin filming. It really is much better to confront issues and tighten up your story in the pre-production phase. Today's directors know that a digital storyboard is simply the smartest solution to get organized and get their vision on to film. By developing a perfect template for every scene, complete with special effects, music, and dialogue, it is possible to watch your film evolve without totally wasting time and money. In this sense, cartoon animation software pay for!

Before you approach your storyboard, consider stuff like scouting destinations, casting, as well as budgets. Setup an infrastructure that actually works for your project. You can also use your storyboard to setup this infrastructure. Simply plan out your shots, then look at the total effect...with applications like Storyboard Artist, it is possible to produce a Flash movie from your frame-by-frame graphics or artwork. This can help you focus your mind on locations, the types of actors and actresses you need to hire, and just how much it'll all cost.

As you can see, a storyboard is a crucial element of filming a successful drama. By taking advantages of new technology, you will get much more from your storyboards. All around the Internet, storyboard examples are available to show you how good digital storyboards can look...and how easy they are to produce. New software programs are highly intuitive and designed to work with the creative mind. Take control of your script and perspective by choosing storyboards designed on a Mac or PC.

You will be very happy with the results! Look for demos on the internet, as well as take into account creating a blog or website to promote your project - the current software enables easy sharing of storyboards on the web. This multi-functional approach makes digital storyboard software a reasonable, practical way to map out your drama before you begin filming.

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