If you have a guy who is calling and texting you but not asking you out or making plans to see you, it's confusing to say the least. I mean, why on earth would he be calling if he doesn't want to spend time with you. The answer is simple. He doesn't see you as a priority, just an option. Guys will call and text girls just enough to keep them interested or keep them warm as he might put it.
He may have other girls that he is interested in, but wants to keep you on the back burner. He may like you but be unsure if he wants to make the commitment. I mean he has to think something of you if he is calling and texting, but the key is he doesn't think enough of you to make you the only one. If he thought more of you, he would be asking you out.
The guy that keeps you on that back burner will normally have a few clever tricks up his sleeve to get out of a promise. Thinking that he cannot keep you on the back burner forever he might move forward but with some clever clauses.
He may even ask you to spend some time with him, but if you notice, he always has an escape route planned in the form of using words like, "maybe", "I'll let you know", anything that he can call upon later to back out or make an excuse.
Reflect within yourself. Had you ever had a guy whom you liked but were not that serious about him? What excuses did you use when he asked for a date? It might well be stuffs like "I'll let you know", or "may be". This gave you the opportunity to come out by using some excuse.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not throw away your valuable time and energy waiting for his calls. He is obviously not that serious about a meaningful relationship. You can find ways to make him take a decision or quit. However, you should not sit there just waiting and hoping.
He may have other girls that he is interested in, but wants to keep you on the back burner. He may like you but be unsure if he wants to make the commitment. I mean he has to think something of you if he is calling and texting, but the key is he doesn't think enough of you to make you the only one. If he thought more of you, he would be asking you out.
The guy that keeps you on that back burner will normally have a few clever tricks up his sleeve to get out of a promise. Thinking that he cannot keep you on the back burner forever he might move forward but with some clever clauses.
He may even ask you to spend some time with him, but if you notice, he always has an escape route planned in the form of using words like, "maybe", "I'll let you know", anything that he can call upon later to back out or make an excuse.
Reflect within yourself. Had you ever had a guy whom you liked but were not that serious about him? What excuses did you use when he asked for a date? It might well be stuffs like "I'll let you know", or "may be". This gave you the opportunity to come out by using some excuse.
The most important thing to remember is that you should not throw away your valuable time and energy waiting for his calls. He is obviously not that serious about a meaningful relationship. You can find ways to make him take a decision or quit. However, you should not sit there just waiting and hoping.
About the Author:
When he calls and texts it is important that you know how to respond. Find out how texting guys in the right way can have him begging for more and hanging on your every word.. This article, If He Calls AND Texts But Doesn't Ask you Out? is released under a creative commons attribution license.