Often social media Internet marketing genius types join one or more forums just to spread advertising for their product. It does not matter to them that the forum is discussing fish keeping as a hobby, while they are advertising automobile tires. No one wants them there and they get free ads.
Not for long though. If they were smart they would do it logically. Instead of annoying people, they might go into forums frequented by car buffs. Or, they might put out a tweet and see who responds. Once you annoy people, they are unlikely to buy anything from you.
One woman on Facebook is extremely popular. She writes excellent tutorials on website coding and how to learn it. People value her writing. No one ever resents it when she advertises her own books for sale. She is much admired and I'm sure her type of social media ads are fine.
She is an example of the right way to use social marketing as a tool. There are many places to reach out to people this way. Tweeting can get you a lot of followers if you are interesting. It will become profitable if you market a product or invite them to your online store.
One despicable method of marketing is the so called dating sites. They will hire a freelance writer to act as a lonely man or woman. They instruct them to write as many profiles as they can to make lonely people think there is a possibility of a relationship. Actually, the profile of the nonexistent person is just a lure to get them to join a site and pay for a membership.
Some of these lonely people find hope of meeting someone on Facebook or Twitter. When they pay for a membership and the person who was chatting with them disappears, they are hurt. What a cold way to make money through social networking online.
Using social media Internet marketing as a tool for advertising is not illegal although many chat groups forbid it. If you do it tastefully and offer friendship along with the url to your website, it is acceptable. Many people will resent it as an intrusion though.
Not for long though. If they were smart they would do it logically. Instead of annoying people, they might go into forums frequented by car buffs. Or, they might put out a tweet and see who responds. Once you annoy people, they are unlikely to buy anything from you.
One woman on Facebook is extremely popular. She writes excellent tutorials on website coding and how to learn it. People value her writing. No one ever resents it when she advertises her own books for sale. She is much admired and I'm sure her type of social media ads are fine.
She is an example of the right way to use social marketing as a tool. There are many places to reach out to people this way. Tweeting can get you a lot of followers if you are interesting. It will become profitable if you market a product or invite them to your online store.
One despicable method of marketing is the so called dating sites. They will hire a freelance writer to act as a lonely man or woman. They instruct them to write as many profiles as they can to make lonely people think there is a possibility of a relationship. Actually, the profile of the nonexistent person is just a lure to get them to join a site and pay for a membership.
Some of these lonely people find hope of meeting someone on Facebook or Twitter. When they pay for a membership and the person who was chatting with them disappears, they are hurt. What a cold way to make money through social networking online.
Using social media Internet marketing as a tool for advertising is not illegal although many chat groups forbid it. If you do it tastefully and offer friendship along with the url to your website, it is acceptable. Many people will resent it as an intrusion though.
About the Author:
Discover loads of new and important essential social media marketing strategy at www.anniejenningspr.com. Enjoy tremendous and continuous success in your publicity, social media marketing, Facebook publicity, Twitter publicity, book promotion, author publicity and author promotion without delay.