Saturday, January 1, 2011

Advanced IT utilization

By Kathy Jensen

The Internet has been nothing short of life-changing. We, as a society, have had no choice but to become completely submerged by the effects of Internet access. Everything today is "Go online!" "Visit Our Website!" "Check Us Out At..." And we do it without even thinking.

The Internet is made up of computer networks which gives computers the ability to communicate with one another worldwide. Even though it may seem like the Internet has only been around for a little more than a decade, it was actually first invented in the 1960s. It's sole purpose was to help the government and the military. The network in which computers use to communicate is known as the Internet Protocol Suite, or TCP/IP. When we think Internet, we think data and information and how fast we can receive it. The faster the Internet connection, be it Ethernet or Wi-Fi, the better it is.

You could spend an entire day either talking about or writing down the Internet's uses. To name a few: networking (business or social), blogging, chatting, learning, working, communicating, or downloading music or files. It is easy as typing in a site into the address bar, and within seconds the page loads before our eyes.

The Internet's uses are endless. It is used for business communications, online entrepreneurships, education, shopping, streaming video and media, social networking, making phone calls, email, file sharing and transfers, storing information and data, and even chatting and blogging. By simply typing in an IP address or domain name, the world is at our fingertips.

What's great about more organizations offering Wi-Fi service to their customers is that the Internet is becoming easier and easier to access. Today cell phones, Blackberries, iPhones, and even iPods all have Wi-Fi capabilities. You can make a call, check your email, and even listen to your favorite artist or band all on one small gadget.

As the appearance and popularity of Wi-Fi hot spots and hand-held technologies continue to grow, it has become as easy as a press of a button to access the Internet. Some gadgets out there now don't even require a button; you can set notifications to alert you whenever a Wi-Fi signal in your area is available. Remember the days of accessing the Internet by using a phone line and sometimes waiting up to ten minutes for a dial-up connection? With high speed cable Internet and fiber optics now readily available, those days are long gone.

With the rise of the Internet and in technology, the two obviously go hand in hand and have made our lives significantly easier. However, the Internet and technology certainly aren't perfect. There are a number of glitches that still occur from time to time and can be nothing short of maddening. These glitches can be connection/connectivity problems, web pages with errors, or servers that have gone down and need troubleshooting or repair. Since most organizations' internal systems and email run on servers, when the system goes down, production completely comes to a halt.

Half the time we don't think twice about "going online". It takes seconds and it is so readily available we don't give it a second thought. It's easy to check your email or work while you are riding public transportation, or look up the status of your flight with your iPhone app, or order take out from your favorite pizza joint. Our world is becoming one big Wi-Fi hot spot when ironically, owning your own computer was a luxury not some twenty years ago.

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